Willow Lyrics by Rachel Ries in Ghost of a Gardener Album.
Willow Lyric
I don't wanna say sorry
for all the things i haven't done
i just wanna go back
to the way things were always done
with a hand held out to shake
and a word unbreakable
and a gaze straight as the miles
that cut the dirt
grandma, i wanna go back
to the way things were always done
when you'd come down to find
your man working the ground
with his hand held to the plow
and his back unbreakable
and his word as good as the gold
they found in those hills
but i'm not gonna go
i'm not gonna go
back to the world i never knew
so tell me all your stories
about the way things were always done
back before you knew me
and the world it maybe seemed young
before your hands shook so much
and your voice so breakable
and your back bent
lower than the willow by the woods
because my handshake don't mean enough
and my word is breakable
and my back feels bent
lower than than the willow by the woods
than the willow