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Ditch Lyrics - Arc Iris Arc Iris Album

Ditch Lyrics by Arc Iris in Arc Iris Album.

Ditch Lyric

Deep in the scent of this muffled ditch
I huddle beneath the coves
In my sleep I writhe and pitch
On your name
I scratch the bones of our once love
With sharpened rocks and sharper stones
Watch as the marrow bubbles and spits
Over a flame
To untwist these vines that hold my heart
Would mean to re-evolve the parts of
You and me
And her
And what has set you free

Your tempered smile and severed skin
Are bleeding in my memory
Searing marrow burns in the night
As I beg to have you here with me
I'm gaining weight and getting stoned
But you my dear are all alone
Beneath the soil
Of this God
Forsaken earth

But who am I to disappear
On account of all my shame and fear
What good is that, what will it show
To the tinkerers above
These shackles on my shriveled wrists
Are tight and tethered to your drift so
Drift you off
To hell and back
And I will come along

Tenderly please cut me free
For I need not come along