Hold Fast Lyrics by The Currency in The Currency Album.
Hold Fast Lyric
I'm gonna find a way
Clasp my hands and pray
And put my faith in you again
And hold fast tonight
The sounds I hear
This turbulence that I fear
The clouds open up
And I think of you again
Hold fast tonight
Hold fast tonight
It's getting rough outside my lord
Gripped by the fear
My hour is near
So give me the strength
To make it through here
And a hundred times or more or more
I channelled you to face the storm
So hold on, so hold on
Hold fast tonight
Hold fast tonight
It's getting rough outside my lord
And we don't need that tonight
With your power in my veins
Like our country when it rains
I open up to you and let you in
And now you have empowered me
I can see quite clearly
The stars will navigate my way
Hold fast tonight